By caaaAdmin on news release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, April 21, 2009
Contact: Steve Hopcraft 916/457-5546;
5 Years of Schwarzenegger's Work Comp Law: Record High Insurance Company Profits, Record Low Injured Worker Care and Compensation
SACRAMENTO - Five years after passage of Governor
Schwarzenegger's SB 899, injured workers and their advocates today said the law
"has failed Californians injured on the job."
and the California Applicants' Attorneys' Association (CAAA) today released
their analysis of how the law has impacted hundreds of thousands of
Californians injured at work. "Most of the insurance premium dollars that
employers have paid have gone to insurance company profits and expenses, not to
care for on-the-job injuries nor to compensate permanently disabled
workers," said CAAA President Todd McFarren. "Injured workers have
seen their disability compensation plummet to near the bottom of the 50 states.
Medical care has been delayed and denied to the point that most physicians have
withdrawn from treating injured workers. This is contrary to what was promised,
and the governor has refused to remedy this horrible situation for Californians
injured while working." Gov. Schwarzenegger has harmed injured workers by:
- Cutting permanent disability compensation by up to 70%
- Reducing access to medical treatment
- Taking away injured workers' choice of
- Allowing insurance carriers to pocket billions from denying medical
- Cutting off temporary disability to the most severely injured workers
- Reducing disability compensation to minorities, women and seniors through discriminatory
Schwarzenegger's law continues to harm Californians injured on the job," said
Jesse Ceniceros, president of, a non-profit political organization
of injured workers and their families. "The administration has put insurance
companies ahead of disabled workers. While insurance carriers racked up record
profits, injured workers have set new records for bankruptcy, home foreclosure
and suicide. Injured workers are still waiting for the governor's promised
revision of compensation for permanent disabilities while insurance companies
increase premiums."
Permanent disability compensation has been drastically cut
independent studies, including studies conducted by the California Commission
on Health, Safety and Workers Compensation (CHSWC), and the Administration
itself, have documented fifty to seventy percent cuts in compensation for
permanent disabilities.
Insurance carrier profits skyrocketed under Schwarzenegger's
"Since 2004, when SB 899 was enacted, the largest portion of
employers' premiums has gone to insurers' profits and expenses, not to injured
workers' care or compensation for their permanent disabilities. Insurance
companies have pocketed $26 billion in profits - record highs, while injured
workers' care and compensation have fallen to record lows," said McFarren.
Proposed rate increase is not necessary
McFarren announced that his organization is opposing the
insurance industry's proposal to increase workers compensation premiums by more
than 24%. The advocates noted that insurance premium rates continued to decline
through the end of 2008, dropping to $2.25 per $100 of payroll. This is the
lowest rate in several decades, and is down over 65% from its peak of $6.45 at
the end of 2003.
"The insurance industry failed to account for an
unprecedented drop in the number of workers compensation claims for permanent
disability compensation since SB 899 took effect. And much of this proposed
increase, supposedly due to higher medical costs, is actually going to pay for
insurers' expenses to review, and usually deny, requests for medical care,
rather than providing the care injured workers need so that they can return to
work," said McFarren. "The insurance carriers' rate hikes would not
go to injured workers, but mostly be profits or pay the skyrocketing cost of
denying medical care and permanent disability compensation."
Click here to read the rest of the release.
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